Do you have something to say? We’d love to see you on stage.
Original Content
We aim to provide our attendees presentations they have not seen before. While we are not looking for recycled presentations, we are open to revisiting previous presentations. What new insights will you share?
Promote Learning
Providing educational material is more important to us than self-promotion. We would love to hear about a cool product you created, or what you and your company do but it should not be the main focus of your presentation. We are not interested in sales pitches.
Team Based
We are biased towards team-based development. We are interested in exploring team dynamics along with the collaboration tools and processes used.
Real World
We want presentations that are grounded in real-world examples. Theories are great. Having a deep understanding of what you are doing can be very useful, but if you are going to do a presentation on theory, bring it down to earth. Give us some applications and examples that an attendee could talk to their employer about after the conference.
Please excite and engage our attendees! This is supposed to be a collaborative learning experience, not a lecture. If you’ve got ideas for roundtables or group discussions, those are certainly welcome.
Values Based
We are a values-based organization. You will have a higher chance of presenting if we are aligned. Check out our values here.
50 Minute Presentation
This is intended to give you a bit more room to breathe. It's perfect when you need a bit more time to dive into details without overwhelming folks. The aim here is to strike a balance: you can explain things more thoroughly while still keeping it engaging and not losing anyone's interest.
25 minute Presentation
This is intended for a quick info blast—it's all about getting the important stuff across. You'll want to keep folks interested by keeping things short and sweet. The goal is to grab attention, share the main ideas, and make sure people remember the key points of your topic.
Submissions Open: November 1, 2024
Sunmission Deadline: January 31, 2025
What do I need to have prepared to submit?
Our submission form will ask for basic details about you and your company. Be prepared to provide a bio and headshot. You will then select a presentation type, provide a title for your presentation, target audience, and an abstract with supporting details. This does not have to be a finished product! If the board needs more details or has questions about your submission we will reach out.